Hello hello! *Wave in a mad friendly manner*
Patrol outing!Patrol outing was a blast! Fun like anything although it was a bit short because of the campfire! :\ But its enough to satisfy my craving for a patrol outing. Temporally. There will be one in June, right? Right?! Haha.
i know tabitha is lame cos its a MUST to have an outing during june holidays! HAHAH
Haha, oh oh there was even a guest-of-honour to grace the occasion! Seowshan!
*Throws confetti into the air*
this VIP was so important that everyone escorted her into the condo! (: LOL.
come down for patrol meetings even if you are lazy to walk. cos u have your escorts down there. so it would be pleasant to have you there
AND BUY PATROL TEE. Okay and meanwhile, nienping sees a lot of ants and will be right back. dont hurt nienping, ants! she has to post first ;D hah I sound so lame!
the camp galore people came later than the rest. came in taxi and its only 1.80dollar per person :D
Monique’s house was seriously like a maze! You could like get lost in there :\ but its really resort-like and all holiday-y. and there is like four pools there..
ya. its seriously huge and prettaye okay.
Oh and meanwhile, the people who arrived early got themselves soaking wet in the pool. :P haha it really seems like sunflowerers like getting wet, like during orientation! Before the game even began we were already drenched. I guess we’re just too hot!
And then the evil ones tried to wet us but too bad carol was the only one who got caught
played Frisbee. I really am bad at Frisbee! i cant catch it so I really marvel at those dogs who can actually catch it with their mouth. How cool! Ha then we played monkey. And all the sec3s started off as the monkeys! And I forgot who but somebody threw the ball to the other side of the court and being the nice person that I am, I went to pick it and had to throw the ball from there. And the result was that I became the monkey! )-.-haha. How sad.
Then Tabitha and danette and I got locked in the cage while the others watched in fascination as though we are animals in the zoo. *eyes pops out while watching cos we are irresistible* :D
Then we ate the pizza and chicken that we ordered. Nienping was sick so she only ate a slice of pizza. And wanting ate her chicken. And wanting didn’t stop there! She wanted to eat mine too. Wanting is greedy! but she is so skinny. How weird. And we got to watch the maid instead of the planned chucky. It was pretty freaky but I roughly knew when to close my eyes so I was kinda safe. Haha! Danette was burying her head into the couch, while seowshan the guest-of-honour AND photographer was busy snapping pictures of our reactions during the scary parts. Ha.
And you should never ever sit next to Nienping during horror movies. Her screams are the loudest and last the longest. And I seriously think I went slightly deaf because of her):
*some violent objections from Nienping* and you should never sit beside tab. She will just put her smelly legs on your thighs.
*some violent objections from Tabitha* i didnt not okay. yucks i was totally pushing you off haha.
tabitha is an evil poop, she doesnt warn me to close my eyes. i felt so scared okay. but after the whole thing, i found the story stupid. IF any kind of ghost were to come to my house i would buy a new one immediately. Oh yeah, and the guy looks ugly and retarded. and his eyes are weird too. they look like they are sewn together.
Ttep (Tabitha the evil poop): OHOHYEAH. How could I forget?! Monique has this really cute puppy. He’s really small and looks really like a toy. And he is way cute. His name is pretzel! I am not really scared of the dog though some of us are:D and Monique was scared that her dog would get traumatized by the movie :\ and during the movie it did hide under the sofa. Heehee. Oh wells..
the dog just pops his head out la! it scared me during the movie.evil poop thinks its cute?! Oh my gosh. Actually it is quite cute. But its creepy okay. Trust shermaine to go and look into his eyes. Suddenly they turn green I bet she will scream like shit. HAHAH!
After the movie most of us were kind of shaken (actually I was more traumatized by how delusional and mad those sadists were. Not the ghosts). And then Joanna said that puppies’ eyes turn red when they see ghosts. Greattt. I didn’t dare go near to pretzel after that :\ and was too scared to go to the toilet. oh and monique’s house has a roof-top! And the sun was so hot. Perfect for suntanning! :P shermaine then took many many photos with pretzel. There was even one where they were both looking into each other’s eyes. X)
then, we went down to celebrate nienping’s and shermaine’s birthday with a huge huge cake. the march babies.
Babies sound wrong okay. It’s like though you gave birth to us. I will violently object, if you were my mum. HHAHAHAH.
it'll be cool lor. then i would like whack you every single day.wahaha
and then off to the top level again to take pictures. And while we were up there, some of us attempted to scale the wall to get to the neighbour’s house. And danette’s dirty feet left stains on the wall. Haha! But anyway it managed to come off with the help of some water. and finally, it was time to leave and the people who had to go for the SJI campfire went to get ready.
HAHHA! You are more slow than me I realize. (it does not matter if you dont understand this part)
We took the bus out to yishun interchange. And the bus is super cool okay! The middle actually revolves! So so nice. Hehe and the campfire people were late :\ because of some ‘unforeseen circumstances’, ha!
And I had to alight so much earlier! Its so not fun okay. Hahah. but I went straight to bed when I reached home. All that screaming just tire me out. *Sighs* and I feel that Tabitha is a kiddo. * The middle actually revolves* HAHAH. how weird.
i have never sat a bus with the middle that can turn. so its cool. :D
Later on, when I was stepping out of the mrt I heard Jolene saying something like ‘just imagine the ears’. Gah you know what she meant?! She was saying that I looked like a rabbit >.< how sad/ I don’t think I look like a rabbit but I lot of people say that. ): I don’t think rabbits are nice at all. Oh and someone said that I looked like a cartoon teddy bear yesterday. And I also look like Janice chua. How fantastic! I resemble two animals. But I do think I look like Janice chua because during camp we were both looking into the mirror and our reflections were side by side and I got the shock of my life! we seriously looked identical. And I may be moving to bedok which is where she lives. Haaa. Woah if I get into the same class as her I will get so irritated cos I bet A LOT of people will be saying how we look alike and stuff. As it is, I think about 30 people have remarked about how similar we look (okay maybe I am exaggerating :D). Including a senior who talked to her for fifteen minutes thinking she was me. (Tabitha looks like a pig too.HAHA) don’t be sad. A lot of people say I look like my friend and I don’t look like her at all. Haha guess what? Last year when we’re having colour party practice with jiayin and you know what?! Rebecca thought I was jiayin and she called me that you know?! Hahah. and I was like what?! And some people thought I was old okay. Which is so not true. like maybe around JC? Wow. How cool right? Hahah! I remembered something! Erm, there was once me dew and err, yutian and Janice chua when tab’s house to do total defence .me and dew reached first so we went down to fetch yu tian and Janice chua. On the way, we met a nice old Indian lady. She was really sociable(: but one thing bad about her is she thought that I was tab and dew’s mum. And then I protest and she said: “ you must be her auntie then!” oh my gosh la. Hahah. then she said I look too young to be an auntie or a mum then she labeled me as their friend. Hahah. what a nice experience. eh nienping i dont remember any nice old indian lady. anyway being my mom is a good thing okay :D
WE NEED TO THINK OF OTHER PLACES FOR PATROL OUTING!I think sentosa is the best place for patrol outing!:D we shall go there some other time and take pictures of “people” whoo hoo! Yay.
With lots of love that could just suffocate you,
Mac Tabbly Toh (which is a really cool name by the way =D)